There’s a new energy in the Hebrew Academy High School, thanks to a slew of novel Judaic programs that are attracting students with tremendous gravitational force.  From a Torah-infused triathlon and festive Sukkot Siyyum, to an after-school learning group complemented by cholent and sports, students may choose from an incredible selection of Judaic extra-curricular activities. Here’s a list of offerings to date:

  1. Yom Kippur Soulvivor Guide

Just in time for Yom Kippur, 14 High School students together with Coordinator of Judaic Programming Rabbi Eliyahu Delouya, released an informative, inspirational booklet exploring the Minhagim and Halachot of Yom Hadin. The 30-page guide includes articles on topics including Kapparot, Seudat Hamafseket and Seder Avoda, eye-catching graphics and engaging text-boxes that pique readers’ interest.

  1. Chol Hamoed Sukkot Triathlon

A group of Grade 10 and 11 boys enjoyed a particularly meaningful day on Chol Hamoed Sukkot; following Tefillah and breakfast in the Sukkah where a Dvar Torah was shared, the boys embarked on a triathlon. First they biked along the Lachine Canal to Parc Réne Lévesque, then ate lunch in a Sukkah before travelling by bus (where a second Dvar Torah was shared) to Mont St. Hilaire. There, they hiked up to the top to enjoy a beautiful view. Afterward, they davened Mincha back in Montreal in a shul, went swimming, and capped off the day with a Simchat Beit Hashoeva complete with a festive meal and more Divrei Torah. The boys then davened Maariv and participated in a raffle draw for two platinum tickets to a Habs game.

  1. Seudat Mitzvah in the Sukkah

Our High School student body experienced a Sukkot celebration like no other this year; one we hope will be the start of an annual tradition.  Following Tefillat Shacharit, students gathered for a Siyum Mishnayot conducted by Grade 11’s Yehonatan Haimovici, who addressed them with a meaningful Dvar Torah.  Students – who came dressed in Shabbat attire for the occasion – then enjoyed a beautiful Student Council-sponsored buffet – complete with eggs, potatoes, pancakes, fruit, cereal, rolls and candy.  Following breakfast, students gathered to hear a tailor-made pre-recorded Drasha delivered by Rabbi Gavriel Friedman of Israel.

  1. Daily Gemara Shiur and Chavrutot

A number of High School boys meet daily from 4:45 – 5:45 pm to learn Gemara in the Judaic Multipurpose Room. Following a Shiur, the students break into Chavrutot and review what they’ve learned. Over the years, they have completed Masechtot. This year, the group is learning Masechet Sotah. The group hopes to complete the Masechet by year’s end, when they will hold a Siyum and Seudat Mitzvah together with their parents.

  1. CSL (Cholent, Sports, Learning) Mishmar

Grade 8 to 11 boys are invited for  learning and fun on Thursdays after school, in the Lieberman Family Beit Midrash.  Inspiring guests deliver a Shiur, followed by cholent and dafina and a friendly game of basketball.

  1. Shnayim Mikrah V’Echad Targum

A group of High School boys has undertaken to review Parashat Hashuva three times weekly – by reading the Parasha twice with the Ta’amim and once in Aramaic. The group gets together weekly to eat lunch and watch an Israel-related video. Every month, participants are treated to a special breakfast.

  1. Chavrutot with KTM Bachurim and Bnot Sherut

A number of High School students have weekly Chavrutot with our Kollel Bachurim and Bnot Sherut, where they study topics of personal interest.

  1. Team of Excellence

A group of students have undertaken a certain number of personal and spiritual commitments for the coming year, such as excelling in school or refraining from speaking during Tefillah. The group meets monthly to touch base and to discuss their objectives.

  1. Parashat Hashavua Shiur exploring Chumash and Rashi

A daily shiur exploring one Aliyah per day (i.e. from Chamishi to Shishi), takes place in the Judaic Multipurpose Room during the last 20 minutes of every lunch hour.


Upcoming initiatives

Stay tuned for the following programs:

  1. HA Café

High School girls will enjoy ice lattes and pastries in a café-style, relaxed setting, while learning with dynamic and inspiring female role models.

  1. Toes and Torah

High School girls will be inspired by engaging female speakers and will also have their nails done, either in school or at a nail salon.

  1. Also in the Works

A Chanukah program, Melava Malkas, Friday night Onegs, a Shabbaton and Pesach Soulvivor Guide.

“It is gratifying to be to able to see our students so engaged with their Judaism,” said Coordinator of Judaic Programming Rabbi Eliyahu Delouya. “I feel fortunate to be able to help create programs that nurture a love of Torah and Mitzvot and that compliment the Judaic classroom experience. It is amazing how students express and synthesize the Torah knowledge that they have acquired in creative and more informal ways.”

To participate in any of the above programs, please contact Coordinator of Judaic Programming Rabbi Eliyahu Delouya at [email protected] or Mashgiach Ruchani Rabbi Henoch Singer at [email protected] .




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