Judaic Studies

At the heart of Hebrew Academy High School is the Judaic Studies program, designed to instill in our students a love of Torah, a commitment to Mitzvot and a love for the land and nation of Israel.

With a rich curriculum including Talmud, Chumash, Navi, Tefila and Halacha, Jewish Literature and Israel Studies, the goal of our Judaic Studies program is to engage students in an active life of Torah and learning.

Our Talmud program prepares our students with the requisite skills to make Talmud study a lifelong endeavor, including preparing them for advanced study in Israel post-high school. Students will develop an appreciation for Torah Lishma and the relevance of Talmudic text in their everyday lives.

Over the course of their five years of high school, students cover the five books of the Torah. The Navi program includes studies of Neviim Rishonim, Haftarot and Megilot. In each of these courses, Hebrew Academy strives to not only share our rich heritage with the students, but to hone their skills in reading and translating biblical texts, analyzing commentaries and learning to uncover the many layers of the texts of the Torah.

The Jewish Literature or Safa program is very rich and varied. Classes are conducted in Modern Hebrew and students work to develop both their oral and written language skills through the exploration of selected texts, Israeli music, newspapers and active class discussions.

The Israel Studies curriculum for Grades 9-11 aims to build on the pride and love for Israel that is shared by our students through an intellectual survey of its Zionist history, its development and complexities.

Each day, our students pray both Shacharit and Mincha, with a choice of Ashkenazi or Sepharadi prayer services.

Our formal curriculum is complemented by many informal learning opportunities whether inside or outside of the classroom. We are proud to partner with our Bnot Sheirut, Kollel Torah MiTzion/Bnei Akiva shlichim and NCSY to enhance Torah learning and leadership building experiences

A highlight of our programming year is our Grade 9-11 Shabbaton. The weekend in filled with opportunities for our students to create meaningful bonds and memories, learn and spend Shabbat together.

Our dedicated team of teachers work diligently to maximize their time and relationships with our students both in and outside the classroom.

We are proud of our many students who opt to continue their post-secondary studies in Israel where they thrive in seminaries and Yeshivot. Our greatest joy comes from our alumni who internalize the lessons they have learned at Hebrew Academy, serving as leaders within their respective communities.


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