
Academic, Personal and Social Support

Hebrew Academy’s High School guidance counselor offers students support related to:

  • Adjustment to High School
  • Study skills
  • Peer issues
  • Emotional issues
  • Post-secondary education
  • Any other issues students wish to explore

To schedule an appointment with guidance counselor Shari Chankowsky, please contact her at 514-489-5321 x 401 or [email protected]

Office hours:
Mondays and Thursdays: 8:30 AM- 3:30 PM
Wednesdays: 11:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Health and Social Resources

  • Kids Help Phone 24 h: 1-800-668-6868
  • Suicide Action Montreal 24h: 514-723-4000
  • Info Crime Jeunesse (confidential): 514-393-1133
  • Police de Quartier 9: 514-280-0109
  • CSSS Rene-Cassin: 514-488-9163
  • Ometz: 514-342-0000
  • Batshaw Youth & Family Center: 514-935-6196

Post-Secondary Studies in Israel

A year studying in Israel is a transformational, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students to continue their Torah study in a focused and intense environment where their bond to Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael will be strengthened.

In effect, Hebrew Academy High School promotes the idea of a six-year program, where the sixth year is spent in Israel.  We encourage students to seriously consider studying in a Yeshiva or Midrasha program in Israel post-high school. Accordingly, we offer  support and guidance in all areas of the decision-making and application process so that families can make an informed decision on whether an Israel program is right for them and which institution would be the best fit.

To explore specific Yeshivot/Midrashot or programs, please consult one of the following web pages:

For further information and to receive the HA Israel Program Guide, please contact Israel Advisor Rabbi Eddie Shostak  at 514-489-5321 x  359 or [email protected].

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