HA students and faculty commemorated Yom HaShoah with outstanding programs in both Elementary and High School. Grades 4 to 6 held separate commemorations led by Elementary Director of Judaic Studies Jordana Levy and Bnei Akiva Shlicha Sivan Veresh. The classes learned how Yom HaShoah is commemorated in Israel, and how lucky our generation is to be able to interact with Survivors. They also watched the incredible story of Francine Christophe, a child who gave her only piece of chocolate to a feeble pregnant woman. Francine was cited as an example of the power of youngsters to do good in the world; a lesson that resonated with all.

High School attended a powerful Zoom assembly featuring contributions by School Rabbi Rabbi Eddie Shostak, Head of School Dr. Laura Segall, Bnei Akiva Shlichim Eli and Sivan Veresh, and Grades 9 and 10 Bnei Akiva madrichim.

Prior to the assembly, Kollel Torah MiTzion distributed yizkor candles to all students with barcodes linking to individual histories. All classes lit one memorial candle together, and students recited Tehillim on behalf of the martyrs. Rabbi Shostak then read Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ z’l Prayer for Yom HaShoah, and recited Kel Male Rachamim. Dr. Segall touched upon the number of children who were murdered in the Holocaust and the imperative of “da me’ayin bata” as a requisite to keeping Survivors’ memories alive.

Eli shared the inspiring story of his late grandmother, Rachel, who kept a diary while in Bergen Belsen at age 17. He also encouraged students to transfer the baton of memory to the next generation. Participants then watched an excellent film produced by Eli, Sivan and the student madrichim.

Rabbi Shostak also visited the senior High School grades where he led a discussion about the political, religious and cultural history of Yom HaShoah. Classes learned why the specific date in Nisan was chosen to commemorate the Holocaust and explored Survivors’ accounts of physical, spiritual and psychological resistance.

Kol hakavod to KTM’s Rosh Kollel Rav Eliyahu Gateno, Yosef, Ruth and Yael Gateno, Bachurim Shmuel Fleisher, Reem Nevies, Daniel Lemberger and Aviad Oholy, Bnei Akiva Shlichim Eli and Sivan Veresh and their team of High School madrichim, School Rabbi Rabbi Eddie Shostak, Elementary Director of Judiac Studies Jordana Levy and Head of School Dr. Laura Segall, for their roles in these most memorable programs.




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