Today both Grade 6 classes “travelled’ to an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee via Skype!
“As part of their unit reading the novel Thundercave by Roland Smith, the students have been researching Africa and elephant poaching,” explained 6A English Teacher Lauren Thurber. “To dive deeper into this engaging topic, we got to Skype with an expert in elephant rehabilitation. The elephant sanctuary rehabilitates elephants that have been mistreated in zoos, amusement parks and circuses in North America. The students asked many in-depth questions and learned some unexpected facts. Did you know that elephants have allergies too? Ask the Grade 6’s and they will tell you that it takes 60 Benadryl hidden in a peanut butter sandwich to help treat a 7000 lb elephant’s seasonal allergies!”
Kol Hakavod to Morahs Lauren and Sheri Gray and Director of English and Technology Integration Elyse Haber for organizing this fascinating lesson.