On Tuesday morning, High School students assembled in the Lieberman Beit Midrash for a special Pre-Pesach assembly.  Rabbi Michael Whitman of Adath Israel, and Rabbi Yehuda Benoliel of Centre Chouva Israel  addressed the students on the meaning of Pesach in our present-day lives. Mrs. Baila Aspler (grandmother of Nediva Aspler (Grade 7) Noa (Grade 8) and Sam Drazin (Grade 10) and Mrs. Solange Oliel (grandmother of Elika (Grade 8) and Eden (Grade 10) Oliel, shared their family traditions for preparing Charoset, in recognition of the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Minhagim practiced by our student body.

Among cheers and much excitement, the Chidon Semi-Finalists from each grade then participated in an exciting Final competition conducted via Kahoot, emceed by High School Israel Advisor and Teacher Rabbi Eddie Shostak.  Yasher Koach to our winners who won gift certificates to Kotel Books:

First Place: Yehonatan Haimovici (Grade 11)

Second  Place: Sam Drazin (Grade 10)

Third Place: Gita Margolese (Grade 10)

Yasher Koach to Rabbi Shostak, Coordinator of Judaic Programming Rabbi Eliyahu Delouya, and the entire Judaic Studies team for organizing this wonderful assembly.  A special thank you to High School Judaic Studies Department Head Vicky Szyf for her tireless work in putting together the engaging Chidon and assembly.

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