Mazel Tov to our Battle of the Book’s participants Sarah Azoulay (Grade 8), Michal Blechman, Meir Hersson-Edery, Gita Margolese, Andrew Miller (all of Grade 9), and Jeremy Rimokh (Grade 10), who placed second in Hebrew Academy’s first-ever showing at the Montreal-wide Battle of the Books. Seven teams competed in the QAIS Battle, answering questions from a 14-book reading list. In the four exciting rounds of “regular” and “lightening” play, Hebrew Academy finished only one question shy of the first place winners. The students represented Hebrew Academy proudly with impressive team camaraderie and behaviour. Each student received a book in recognition of their efforts. Thank you to librarians Norma Newman and Zehava Cohn for coordinating this event and helping to prepare the students.


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