In early November, our HA Heat Juvenile Boys will be participating in the Cooper Yeshiva High School Invitational Tournament in Memphis, Tennessee. As part of their fundraising efforts, the team offered to assemble people’s Sukkahs for the nominal fee of $50. Yesterday the boys and their coach, Dr. Morrie Levy (’83) got to work. Following are excerpts from an email Coach Morrie sent to the players’ parents :
What a fabulous day it was! Nothing like starting the week off right after the “Yamin Noraim” with a huge Mitzvah day and raising funds for our upcoming Cooper basketball tournament.
Our team gathered together for Shacharit this morning at Hebrew Academy at 8:40 am. The boys then split up into groups of three and built 12 Sukkahs from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm.
We raised $780!
Besides providing a great service for HA families, the student-athletes bonded together off the court and had a fun-filled day. I am so proud of each one of my players for stepping up and rising to the occasion.
That is what teamwork and being a “mentsh” is all about.
On Sukkot, we take the “4 minim” – all different and unique items – and bring them together. So too, our team, which is made up of different personalities, talents, sizes, and strengths, came together as a cohesive unit, team and family.
That is my goal.
Besides being successful on the court, equally important to me is having all of my players be one and respect and support each other. These lessons hopefully will help them as they move forward in life.
Basketball is my tool that I try to use to infuse those messages of being a “Ben Torah” and responsible, caring young adult.
As the team’s coach, I am so thrilled to be able to spend time with each one of your children. They are awesome!
The team’s fundraising efforts are ongoing. To support their initiative, please contact Coach Morrie.