Elementary School Principal's Message

Welcome to an overview of the Hebrew Academy Elementary School experience. We believe in creating a family atmosphere where strong partnership with the home is the key to the success of every student. Torah observance, academic excellence in both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies, Eretz and Medinat Yisrael, Derech Eretz and Middot Tovot are core components of our Mission. The opportunity to actualize our Mission and to accompany children during these first seven years of their educational journey provides endless possibility.

In a framework dedicated to the commitment to Torah observance and Derech Eretz, our rigorous tri-lingual curriculum allows students to discover their unique strengths and talents. We celebrate the diverse ways in which our students learn through differentiated instruction, and provide multiple teaching styles and strategies.  We incorporate 21st century technology-based learning throughout all areas of the curriculum.

Our Judaic Studies program provides students with textual skills and knowledge, the educational experience of living a Torah lifestyle, learning about and experiencing Mitzvot, and the knowledge of their sources. Hebrew language is a fundamental component of the program.

Our General studies curriculum adheres to the MEER requirements and provides students with opportunities to develop and master skills and knowledge in a variety of different subject matter in both French and English. We make education meaningful by highlighting the experiential aspect of everything we teach. We believe in giving students the opportunity to focus on areas that are of special interest to them and to incorporate the skills they acquire to develop their interests.

When it comes to the educational, social and emotional development of our students, our philosophy is Elu Devarim She’Ayn Lahem Shiur – These are the things that have no limits. Please contact us to find out more about the Hebrew Academy experience.

Yaffa Blanshay
Elementary School Principal
[email protected]

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