הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד
How good and sweet it is for brothers and sisters to join together in unity.

During the Yamim Noraim our students split off to their respective Batei Knesset, spreading the light of Hebrew Academy across the city. Yesterday, we took the opportunity to join together, as a school community, creating a bonfire of uplifting song, inspiring Torah and self-reflection.

We treasured the opportunity to sing our hearts out together with faculty, admin, and shlichim, celebrating both Ashkenazi and Sepharadi traditions. We were moved by the words of our guest speaker Rabbi Michael Harrosch, a Hebrew Academy parent and Program Director at the Jewish Experience. And we shared some sweet treats courtesy of our Student Council.

During Aseret Yemei Teshuva, we are charged, as is powerfully stated in the awe inspiring tefila of U’netaneh Tokef, to increase our engagement in in Teshuva, Tefila and Tzedakah. Perhaps we can say that our gateway to enter into the Kedusha and Tahara of Yom Kippur is the work we do towards mending our relationships with ourselves, with Hashem and our fellow Jews and humanity.

Enjoy a taste of yesterday’s program!

– Rabbi Eddie Shostak, Dean of Jewish Life and Judaic Studies Coordinator


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