Only four days into the chag, Hebrew Academy students have already participated in everything from holiday-themed baking and chessed activities, to arts and crafts, a Chanukia contest, interactive learning sessions, a carnival, dancing, musical Hallel, an Escape Room, raffles and Maccabia Games – and there’s more fun to come tomorrow and Monday!
Here are a couple of highlights:
- High School students were treated to two very compelling programs this week; Grades 9 to 11 were inspired by a panel of community leaders who shared words of Torah and heartwarming stories at the inaugural session of HAGirlTALKS, an initiative of students Noa Drazin (Grade 11) and Hannah Cons (9). On Monday, Grades 10 and 11 participated in The Great Jewish Question Fair, featuring prominent local Rabbis who spoke on such topics as Modesty in the Jewish Tradition and If God Created the World, Who Created God – Or Did God Always Exist? Thank you to our speakers Mrs. Rifki Freundlich, Mrs. Sigy Laredo, Mrs. Chani Carlebach, Mrs. Amanda Spiro, Rabbi Moshe New, Rabbi Yedidya Noiman, Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, Rabbi Leibele Rodal and Rabbi Levi Raskin.
For a recap of High School activities, check out this video.
- Grades 4 and 5 assembled care packages for Montreal’s homeless earlier this week, which HA parents Gabriel and Setareh Malca distributed to Dans la Rue. In addition to filling each bag with warm socks, food, toiletries and other items, students also wrote individual holiday wishes to recipients. The activity was part of a broader initiative spearheaded by Mrs. Malca called Spread the Love, in which she collects, assembles and delivers packages of necessities to individuals and organizations in need throughout the city.
Kol Hakavod to our exceptional Elementary, High School and Kollel Torah MiTzion faculty and staff members for organizing such meaningful, qualitative programming for our student body.
– by Aviva Engel, Director Communications