Ways to Give

Thank you for visiting our Giving section!

Benefactors like you enable us to fulfill our commitment to all who depend on Hebrew Academy as the purveyor of an outstanding Modern Orthodox education.

In recent years, our generous donors have enabled us to construct a dream playground for our children, beautify our classrooms and offices with exquisite Mezuzot, provide ongoing professional development for faculty and staff, and offer one-of-a-kind programs and resources that enrich school life.

Hebrew Academy’s Giving Opportunities exist to safeguard the quality and access of our outstanding education, the transmission of Modern Orthodox values and the growth of our community.

Following are a number of ways you can make a big difference in the lives of our students, faculty and staff members:

Targeted Donations

Should you wish to support a specific Hebrew Academy program, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss our various giving options. Whether you wish to help families in need by contributing to school supplies or lunches, for example, our school’s needs will undoubtedly align with your investment interests.

Please contact Jacqui Silbiger at (514) 489-5321 x 255 to discuss your preferences and our various needs.

Legacy Giving

A way to ensure the future financial security of Hebrew Academy is through legacy gifts and bequests to our Endowment Fund. A legacy gift is a donation that you can designate through estate planning, enabling you to leave a bequest in the future without tapping into or committing your current assets.

You can also give a gift of life insurance. These gifts have a significant impact, often at a very small cost to you. You can write new insurance or use paid-up policies that are an idle asset to create a win-win situation for your financial and estate tax-planning and for our institution.

Memorial and Lifecycle Funds

Giving a gift in memory of a loved one is a time-honoured tradition that is symbolic and heartfelt. When someone has experienced a loss, there is no better way to honour that person than by supporting Hebrew Academy’s mission of spreading Maasim Tovim (good deeds) and Torah values. You can also commemorate lifecycle events and milestones such as Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings and anniversaries in your lifetime, or in your will.