Under the guidance of HA parent Rosaleen Hutman, Julia Lasry (6C) weighed a package of flour on a kitchen scale on Monday, which Mrs. Hutman explained is the weight of some premature babies at birth. Co-founder of the JGH Auxiliary’s Tiny Miracle Fund, Mrs. Hutman visited the Bnot Mitzvah class to shed light on the challenges of preemies and their families and to highlight the value of the girls’ fundraising and advocacy efforts on their behalf. On Friday, ahead of World Prematurity Day, the young ladies and Bat Mitzvah Program Coordinator Morah Sari Attaiech-Rohr ran Purple for Preemies in Elementary, a Tiny Miracle initiative that raises funds for vital, life-sustaining equipment for the JGH NICU. Together with everyone who participated, the girls raised $455! Kol hakavod, banot and yasher koach to everyone who took part!
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